размер шрифта
цвета сайта
Practical skills

 General issues

1. The situation in hand scalpel.

2 The situation in hand tweezers.

3. layer by layer to sew up the incision. Stitches on the skin, muscles. Gain the necessary tools.

4. Charge the new needle and thread the needle Call Instruments

5. Dial the tools for primary surgical treatment of wounds.

6. Dial a tool for fixing the language and tracheal intubation.

7. Tie a simple, sea, double surgical and apodaktilny nodes.

8. Dial the tool for opening people's congresses bed.

9. List the types of temporary stop bleeding in the wound. Dial instrument.

10. List the types of final stop bleeding in the wound. type tool

11. Run anesthesia according to the "lemon peel".

12. Perform venipuncture.

13. Show the technique of infiltration anesthesia by Vishnevsky.

14. Show the technique of dissection of the fascia.

15. The tamponade of bleeding in the wound. List the tools.

16. Dial tool for ligating a vessel in the wound.


 The operations on the limbs.

17. Dial a special tool for vascular suturing and nerve suture.

18 Run a puncture of the shoulder joint.

19. Run a puncture of the elbow joint.

20. Run a puncture knee joint.

21. Show accesses to the opening of the shoulder joint.

22. Show accesses to the opening of the knee joint.

23.Pokazat Access for dissection elbow.

24. Open the drain and space Pirogov - Parona.

25. Open the middle phalanx P tenosynovitis of the fingers.

26. Make finger anesthesia Oberst - Lukashevich.

 27. Run anesthesia brush for Brown - Usoltseva.

28. Display projection and place of the axillary artery ligation.

29. Display projection and location of the brachial artery ligation.

 30.Pokazat projection and place ligation radial and ulnar arteries.

 31.Pokazat projection and place of ligation of the femoral artery.

 32. Display projection and place of ligation of the popliteal artery.

 33.Pokazat projection and place ligation tibial and peroneal artery.

 34. Dial a special tool for operations on tubular bones.


 Operations on the head, neck.

35. Dial and call a special tool for tracheostomy.

36.Vypolnit access for tracheotomy.

37 shows the introduction of the technique of the cannula into the trachea (embodiment 2).

38 Dial the tool to perform burr hole of the cranial vault. Determine the depth of the bone wound.

39. Show the incision on his face, taking into account the projections of the branches of the facial nerve.

40.Pokazat accesses autopsy purulent mumps.

41. Display execution point vagosympathetic blockade on Vishnevsky.

42. Show access to the thyroid gland.

43. Special tools for operations on the head and neck.

44. Show shearing skin graft on the roof of the skull.

45.Nabrat special tool for craniotomy.

46. ​​Show the place of performance of the brachial plexus blockade by Kulenkampfu.


 Operations in the chest cavity.

47. Identify and show the point of puncture pericardium.

48. Run pleural puncture at hydrothorax and pneumothorax.

49. Show accesses at intra- and retromammary mastitis

50. Dial a special tool for subperiosteal rib resection.

 51. Dial a special tool for operations on the chest and cavity.

 52. Run polispasny and plevromyshechny seams.


 Abdominal wall, lumbar region

53. Technique puncture the abdominal cavity.

54. Show access to the umbilical hernia.

55. Show access to inguinal hernia.

56. Show access to the femoral hernia.

57. Show access to the gallbladder.

58. Show access to the formation of gastrostomy.

59. Show access to the spleen.

60. Show accesses to the appendix.

61. Apply seam Kimbarovskogo.

62 stitches under the plastic on the mayo.

63 stitches under the plastic on Postemskomu.

64 stitches with plastic on Liechtenstein.

65. Suture with plastic on Sapezhko.

66 stitches under the plastic on Leksleru.

67 stitches under the plastic on Sholdaysu.

68. Display the median, adrectal, transrectal laparotomy.

69. Show access to the kidney.

70. Show access to the ureter.


 Abdominal surgery, disused space, pelvis.

71. Show access to the uterus.

72. Show access to the bladder.

73. Run parenchymal organ seam: liver, kidneys.

74. Run abdominal revision technique for bleeding.

75. Run technique abdominal audit if damaged hollow organ wall.

76. take in a perforated stomach ulcer.

77. Run the mobilization of the small intestine during resection.

78. Run the mobilization of the colon during resection.

79. take in the wound of the colon.

80. take in the wound of the small intestine.

81. Apply a seam on the outer lip of the intestinal anastomosis.

82. Apply the seam on the inner lip of the intestinal anastomosis.

83. Apply the intestinal sutures with an appendectomy.

84. Show puncture the bladder.

85. Make a right Gubarev

86. Show the point of execution of the blockade on Selivanov-Shkolnikov-Tsodyksu.

87.Vypolnit rule Williams-Gubarev

