размер шрифта
цвета сайта



2 - 3 year of education


1. Preparation of surgical and dressing materials (gauze balls, napkins,


2. Storing dressings, gloves and linen in bikes.

3. Methods for controlling the sterilization of tools, linen and surgical material.

4. Principles of "instrumental" wound dressing.

5. Treatment of the hands of the surgeon before the operation.

6. Clothes in sterile clothes.

7. Shaving the patient's skin in the field of the operating field.

8. Treatment of the patient's skin before surgery.

9. Pre-sterilization processing tools.

10. Sterilization of the instrument.

11. Sterilization of gloves.

12. Sterilization of surgical underwear and material by autoclaving.

13. Overlapping the Dezo bandage.

14. Overlay the spicate bandage.

15. Overlay the spiral bandage.

16. The application of a turtle bandage (convergent, divergent).

17. The application of an eight-band dressing.

18. Overlapping the headband as a "cap".

19. The application of the bandage "cap of Hippocrates".

20. Overlapping of the sling dressing.

21. Overlapping the Velpo bandage.

22. Application of a bandage bandage.

23. Overlap the wound dressing.

24. Determination of the suitability of gypsum.

25. Preparation of gypsum bandages and longet.

26. Participation in the imposition of plaster casts and longets.

27. Participation in the removal of plaster casts and longets.

28. Suture removal from the wound.

29. Use of an individual dressing package.

30. The placement of a hemostatic tourniquet (cloth and rubber).

31. The application of a hemostatic tourniquet according to Zhorov-Gersh.

32. Stopping bleeding by pressing the artery to the bone formations in typical places (temporal, common carotid, subclavian, humeral, femoral, abdominal aorta).

33. Stop bleeding from the arteries by maximally flexing the limbs in the joints.

34. Method of applying a tourniquet in case of bleeding from the carotid artery.

35. Stop bleeding by imposing a tight bandage.

36. Determination of the blood group by standard hemagglutinating sera.

37. Determination of the blood group using tsoliklonov.

38. Determination of Rh factor.

39. Determination of individual and Rh-compatibility of blood.

40. Monitoring the storage of blood and blood substitutes.

41. Determination of the suitability of blood for transfusion. Filling of documents with blood transfusion.

42. Installation and filling of the system for intravenous blood transfusion and blood substitutes.

43. Use of artificial respiration apparatus.

44. Technique of artificial respiration (on a phantom).

45. The technique of closed heart massage (on a phantom).

46. ​​Methods of combating tongue lingering during artificial respiration and resuscitation.

47. First aid in acute surgical diseases of the abdominal organs (acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction, strangulated hernia, perforation of hollow organs, acute pancreatitis, abdominal trauma, etc.).

48. First aid for gastric bleeding.

49. First aid for pulmonary hemorrhage.

50. Provision of first aid for intraperitoneal bleeding (abdominal injuries, ectopic pregnancy, etc.).

51. First aid for uterine bleeding.

52. The imposition of transport tires (improvised, standard type of Cramer, Dieterichs, etc.) and the volume of first aid for fractures of bones.

53. Transport immobilization in fractures and dislocations of the lower leg bones.

54. Transport immobilization in fractures and dislocations of the bones of the forearm.

55. Transport immobilization in case of fractures and dislocations of the shoulder.

56. Transport immobilization in fractures of the foot bones.

57. Transport immobilization in fractures of the hand bones.

58. Transport immobilization in case of fractures and dislocations of the thigh with the help of the Dieterichs bus.

59. Transport immobilization for fractures of the cervical vertebrae.

60. Transport immobilization in fractures of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and first aid.

61. Transport immobilization in fractures of pelvic bones.

62. Overlapping of the bandage with penetrating wounds of the pleural cavity.

63. First aid for soft tissue injuries.

64. First aid for ruptures of ligaments of joints.

65. First aid in case of traumatic brain injury.

66. First aid for thermal burns.

67. First aid in electrical trauma.

68. First aid for chemical burns of the skin and mucous membranes (esophagus, stomach, intestines).

69. Provision of first aid in case of frostbite.

70. First aid in the syndrome of prolonged compression.

71. Introduction of tetanus antitetanus against without problems.

72. Diagnosis by X-ray patterns of the fracture type along the fracture line, the number of fragments, localization of the fracture, the presence and type of displacement.

73. Diagnosis of dislocation, its nature and type.

74. Diagnosis on roentgenograms of "free gas" in the abdominal cavity with injuries of hollow organs and perforations of their walls.

75. Diagnosis on roentgenograms of intestinal obstruction
