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цвета сайта


a) basic literature :

  1. Dermatovenerology. National leadership. Under the editorship of Yu. K. Skripkin Yu. s. Butov, A. L. Ivanov. Specialty: Dermatology, 2011.
  2. Ivanov O. L. Skin and venereal diseases. Moscow. - 2006.
  3. Kubanova A. A., Skripkin Y. K., Akimov V. G. Skin and venereal diseases. GEOTAR-Media.- 2007.
  4. Short N. D., Sharova N. Mmm. Skin and venereal diseases. «MIA.»- 2007.
  5. Hmyz L. A. Skin and venereal diseases. Publishing House "Phoenix", Moscow.- 2007.

b) additional literature:

  1. Fitzpatrick T, Johnson R, Wolff K, Polano M., Surmont D. "Dermatology". Color Atlas-reference book. - M., "Practice". – McGraw-Hill. - 1999.
  2. Differential diagnostic and therapeutic tables in dermatology (textbook) Nesterov A. S., Usanova N. In. Nesterov V. A., Mashina M. V., Bakirov I. S., Lukichev O. S. Ulyanovsk: Ulgu, 2010.- 39 p.
  3. Differential diagnosis of cystic dermatoses (textbook) Magomedov M. A., Bogdashov A. N., Gumanova N. G., Potaturkina-Nesterova N. And. Nesterov. Ulyanovsk: Ulgu, 2009.- 29 p .
  4. Tests for assessment initial level of knowledge in dermatology for 4th year students (textbook) Sokolova T. V., Karasev E. A., beaver, K. R., Hosea E. N. Ulyanovsk, 2000.- 62 p.
  5. State of the problem of sexually transmitted infections and peculiarities of clinical manifestations in drug addicts (educational and methodical recommendations) Nesterov A. S. Ulyanovsk, 2002.- 26 p .
  6. Fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (training manual) Nesterov A. S., Potaturkina-Nesterova N. And... Asanova N. In. Krasnoperova Yu. Yu. Ulyanovsk, 2004.- 36 p.
  7. Educational and methodical manual for practical classes in dermatovenerology for 4th year students of the medical faculty Sokolova E. V. Ulyanovsk, 1997.- 34 p.
  8. Differential diagnosis of lesions of nail plates (training manual) Nesterov A. S., Kurzin A. S., Bogdashov A. N. Ulyanovsk, 2003.- 24 p.
  9. Buxton, P. K. "Dermatology" Publisher: Binom Translation from English.- 2006.
  10. Skripkin Yu. K., Mashkilleson A. L., Sharapova G. Ya. Skin and venereal diseases. Textbook for medical students. - M.: Medicine, - 1995.
  11. Stukanova N. P. Skin and venereal diseases: textbook. Medicine.- 2007.
  12. Vladimirov V. V. Zudin B. I. Skin and venereal diseases. Textbook for students of medical institutions. Ed. 2. - Moscow: Medicine, 1982. - 288 p.
  13. Psoriasis and dysbiosis of the intestine (textbook) Gamayunov N. G., Magomedov M. A., Potaturkina-Nesterova N. And. Nesterov A. S., Nemov I. S. Ulyanovsk: USU, 2009.- 29 p .

c) a database, directory and search engine:

  1. Electronic catalogue of the library of USU.
  2. GARANT system: electronic periodic directory [Electronic resource]. – Electra. dan. (7162 MB: 473 378 documents). - [B. I., 199 -].
  3. ConsultantPlus: reference and search system [Electronic resource]. –  Electra. dan. (733 861 documents) – [B. I., 199].
  4. EBS "IPRbooks" (www.iprbookshop.ru). Contract №937 from 11.12.2015.
  5. ELS "Consultant of a student" (www.studmedlib.ru). Contract No. 348 KS/10-25 from 19.11.2015.