Ученые записки УлГУ. Серия "Математика и информационные технологии"
№2, 2018 год, дата выпуска: декабрь 2018 года
Булаев А.А. / Bulaev A.A. , e-mail: mail@bulalex.ru
Методы построения современных геоинформационных систем
Аннотация. Статья посвящена анализу методов построения современных геоинформационных систем (ГИС). Представлены методы, позволяющие разрабатывать ГИС как с использованием готовых решений, так и без них. Предлагается решение проблемы взаимодействия ядра ГИС и сторонних библиотек, частично реализующих функциональные возможности системы, а также собственных разработок..
Ключевые слова: JSON, Web-ГИС, XML, адаптер, геоинформационная система, свободно распространяемая библиотека, собственная разработка, ядро.
Methods of creation of modern geographic information systems
Abstract. Article is devoted to the analysis of methods of creation of modern geographic information systems (GIS). The methods allowing to develop GIS both with use of ready decisions and without them are presented. The solution of the problem of interaction of a kernel of GIS and third-party libraries which are partially realizing functionality of a system and also own developments is proposed.
Keywords: JSON, Web GIS, XML, adapter, geographic information system, open source library, own development, kernel.
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Бутов А.А., Веренцова О.В. / Butov, A.A., Verentsova, O.V., e-mail: butovaa@ulsu.ru
Ключевые слова: система массового обслуживания, размножение заявок в очередях, точечный процесс, компенсатор.
Abstract. The paper presents a mathematical and computer model of the tumor regression process based on the queuing system with duplication of applications in queues, a form of the program that allows to build a given number of processes (trajectories) of spontaneous resorption of the tumor, to find the moments of the origin of the first tumor cell and the moments of complete regression of the tumor in each from these processes, to construct the distribution functions of these moments, as well as to find the average time of resorption of the tumor.
Keywords: queuing system, duplication of applications in queues, point process, compensator.
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Бутов А.А., Веренцова О.В. / Butov, A.A., Verentsova, O.V., e-mail: butovaa@ulsu.ru
Ключевые слова: артериальное давление, циркадные ритмы, пуассоновский процесс.
Abstract. The paper presents a mathematical and computer model of circadian rhythms of blood pressure measurements, namely a model of normal daily arterial pressure, arterial pressure under stress and a heart attack.
Keywords: arterial pressure, circadian rhythms, Poisson process.
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Бутов А.А., Карева П.В. / Butov, A.A., Kareva P.V., e-mail: butovaa@ulsu.ru
Ключевые слова: точечный процесс, мультивариантный процесс, случайный процесс, имитационное моделирование, случайные момент.
Abstract. This paper presents a mathematical and computer model of a multivariate process in the form of an integral stochastic equation solution. This form of representation of multivariant processes is convenient for analytical studies and for simulation computer simulation tasks.
Keywords: point process, multivariate process, random process, random moments, simulation modeling.
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Жаркова Г.А., Лаптев К.Н. / Zharkova G.A., Laptev K.N., e-mail: zharkovaga@inbox.ru
Ключевые слова: детерминированные и недетерминированные автоматы, вероятностные автоматы, распознавание образов.
Abstract. The article describes deterministic, non-deterministic and probabilistic finite automata. The division of program execution into automaton steps and the transfer of information from step to step through the state is necessary when building event-oriented applications. The use of probabilistic automata affects such areas as the creation of artificial intelligence systems, working with fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic, recognition of complex images, etc.
Keywords: deterministic and non-deterministic automata, probabilistic automata, pattern recognition.
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Кожемякин И.И., Семушин И.В. / Kozhemyakin II, Semushin I.V., e-mail: kozhilya@gmail.ru
Ключевые слова: линеаризация, предыскажение, усилители мощности.
Abstract. In this paper, we study the method of modeling the power amplifier using the Volterra polynomial with a memory effect, which can simulate the main distortions in the model. This is necessary for further research on digital pre-emphasis without the need to use real network elements.
Keywords: linearization, emphasis, power amplifiers.
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Михеева Е.А., Хисамутдинов Д.И. / Mikheeva E.A., Khisamutdinov D.I., e-mail: d.hisa@yandex.ru
Ключевые слова: дискретная математика, функции алгебры логики, схемы из функциональных элементов.
Abstract. This paper presents a specific algorithm for implementing the functions of the algebra of logic by schemes of functional elements.
Keywords: discrete mathematics, functions of logic algebra, circuits of functional elements.
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Седова Н.О. / Sedova N.O., e-mail: nata-sedova@yandex.ru
Ключевые слова: устойчивость, нелинейная система с запаздыванием, квадратичная функция Ляпунова.
Abstract. We consider methods for studying the stability of nonlinear systems with delay, based on the representation of the right-hand side of the system in the form of a convex combination of linear systems and the usage of quadratic Lyapunov functions.
Keywords: stability, nonlinear system with delay, quadratic Lyapunov function.
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Смагин А.А. / Smagin A.A., e-mail: smaginaa1@mail.ru
Ключевые слова: матрица, кодирование, декодирование, композиция, биграмма.
Abstract. Text-encoding methods are discussed to reduce the amount of memory for storage, are to assess the effectiveness and examples demonstrate methods.
Keywords: matrix, encoding, decoding composition, bigramma.
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Сутыркина Е.А. / Sutyrkina E.A., e-mail: katherine.kudashova@yandex.ru
Ключевые слова: двухзвенный манипулятор, математическое моделирование, программа ЭВМ.
Abstract. This paper describes an author’s software, designed to illustrate the process of trajectory tracking control of a robotic two-link manipulator using only position measurements. The program is written, using an free and open source software «Scilab 6.0.0» and has its own GUI.
Keywords: two-link manipulator, trajectory tracking control, simulation software.
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Сутыркина Е.А. / Sutyrkina E.A., e-mail: katherine.kudashova@yandex.ru
Ключевые слова: трехколесный омни-робот, математическое моделирование, программа ЭВМ.
Abstract. In this paper an author’s software is described. The paper is divided into three paragraphs, which are – GUI description, a few words about particular program input features and circumscribing of graphical results correspondingly. The program backend and frontend editor is designed with free and open source software «Scilab 6.0.2».
Keywords: omnidirectional three-wheel robot, trajectory-tracking control, simulation software.
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Токмаков С.В./ Tokmakov S.V., e-mail: tokmakov007@gmail.com
Ключевые слова: искусственная нейронная сеть, управление по выходу, линейная дифференциальная система второго порядка.
Abstract. In this paper, we study the capabilities of artificial neural networks in solving the problem of stabilizing the equilibrium position of a linear second-order differential system (in particular, of a mechanical system) by control depending on the retarded values of the output vector. A “half” of the state coordinates of the system (excluding the first derivatives) are used as the output vector. Using the model of an inverted pendulum on a cart as an example, the constructed control is compared with other types of controls.
Keywords: artificial neural network, output control, second order linear differential system.
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