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Перечень специальностей и направлений подготовки высшего профессионального образования в УлГУ (English version)

The list of specialties (qualification “specialist”) and majors of bachelor’s degree

 School of medicine, ecology and physical education.

Specialist degree (6-year education)

Medical care


  1. Chemistry
  2. Biology
  3. Russian language

Bachelor's degree (4-year education)

 Adaptive physical education

  1. Biology
  2. Russian language
  3. Physical education (complex examination)


  1. Chemistry
  2. Russian language
  3. Mathematics


Forest Management

  1. Biology
  2. Russian language
  3. Chemistry


School of international relations

 Bachelor's degree (4-year education)

Linguistics (English, German, French) profiles: translation and translation theory (English, German, French)

  1. Foreign language
  2. Russian language
  3. Russian history


Faculty of mathematics and information technologies

Specialist degree (5-year education)

Fundamental mathematics and mechanics

  1. Mathematics
  2. Russian language
  3. Physics

 Bachelor's degree (4-year education)

Information systems and technologies

1. Mathematics

2. Russian language

3.Information technologies

Mathematical software and administration of information systems 

 Applied mathematics and computer science

 Automatization of technological processes and production

  1. Mathematics
  2. Russian language
  3. Physic

 Bachelor's degree (4-year education) and Master's degree (2-year education)

Infocommunication technologies and communication systems

  1. Mathematics
  2.  Russian language
  3. Information technologies


School of economics and business

Bachelor's degree (4-year education)

Business informatics




  1. Mathematics
  2. Russian language
  3. Social science

Bachelor's degree (4-year education) and Master's degree (2-year education)

State and municipal administration

Personnel managment

  1. Social science
  2. Russian language
  3. Mathematics


Law faculty

Specialist degree (5-year education)

Law of costums

  1. Social science
  2. Russian language
  3. Physical education (complex exam)

Bachelor's degree (4-year education) and Master's degree (2-year education)


  1. Social science
  2. Russian language
  3. Russian history


Faculty of Physics and Engineering

Bachelor's degree (4-year education)

Oil  service 

Material science and technology of materials

Ground transportation and technology means

Technosphere safety

Quality control

  1. Mathematics
  2. Russian language
  3. Physics

Service (profile: Oil and gas enterprises)

  1. Mathematics
  2. Russian language
  3. Social science


Faculty of humanities and social technologies

Bachelor's degree (4-year education)

 International relations

  1. Russian history
  2. Russian language
  3. Foreign language


Organization of work with youth


  1. Russian history
  2. Russian language
  3. Social science


  1. Social science
  2. Russian language
  3. Mathematics

Political science

  1. Social science
  2. Russian language
  3. Russian history

Country studies

  1. Russian history
  2. Russian language
  3. Foreign language

Bachelor's degree (4-year education) and Master's degree (2-year education)

Social work

  1. Russian history
  2. Russian language
  3. Social science


  1. Biology
  2. Russian language
  3. Mathematics

 Faculty of culture and art

Specialist degree (5-year education)


  1. Literature
  2. Russian language
  3. Acting skills
  4. Colloquium

Master's degree (2-year education)


  1. Literature
  2. Russian language
  3. Russian history

Bachelor's degree (4-year education)


  1. Literature
  2. Russian language
  3. Drawing
  4. Painting
  5. Composition

Performing arts


  1. Literature
  2. Russian language
  3. Specialty
  4. Musical theory

Folk arts

  1. Literature
  2. Russian language
  3. Classical dance
  4. Folk dance
  5. Composition

Records management and archival studies

  1. Russian history
  2. Russian language
  3. Social science

Advertising and public relations

  1. Social science
  2. Russian language
  3. Russian history

Preparatory faculty trains students to studying at the faculties, mentioned above.

The course is 9-months long.

Graduating exams of the preparatory faculty are regarded as the entrance exams to Ulyanovsk State University.

For all the questions about international students’ studying in UlSU call the Centre of International Education.

Director of Centre of International Education – Marina V. Denisova.


Required documents:

  1. Certificate (diploma) of senior secondary education (with the translation, notarially attested in Russia and legalized in appropriate way)
  2. The copy of passport (translated into Russian and notarially attested in Russia)
  3. Medical certificate
  4. 8 photos 3×4

