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Ulyanovsk State University
Ulyanovsk State University
 изображение для новости «Rehabilitation +»  International competition of youth projects in the field of medical rehabilitation   in Moscow
«Rehabilitation +» International competition of youth projects in the field of medical rehabilitation in Moscow

The competition was organized on the initiative of the Rehabilitation Union of Russia. The co-organizers are Ulyanovsk State University, the Russian-Chinese Association of Medical Universities, the Federal Center for Brain and Neurotechnology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. The main purpose of the event is to search for and …

 изображение для новости USU`s Faculty of Medicine  team of international students is the winner of the International Olympiad in surgery
USU`s Faculty of Medicine team of international students is the winner of the International Olympiad in surgery

The XXXII Moscow International Student Surgical Olympiad named after M.P. Perelman has ended on the basis of Sechenov University. A team of foreign students of the USU Faculty of Medicine, led by Associate Professor of the Department of General Surgery Sergey Makarov, took the honorable third place.

About a thousand …

 изображение для новости USU medical students on internship in Harbin
USU medical students on internship in Harbin

The trip was  possible thanks to the cooperation of Ulyanovsk State University and Harbin Medical University. A group of 2nd-5th year students led by Larisa Ilmukhina Associate Professor of the Department of Dermatovenerology and Infectious Diseases expands their competencies by adopting foreign experience. The curriculum includes lectures and practical classes on surgery, …

 изображение для новости Students study the history of medicine
Students study the history of medicine

Students of the medical faculty visited the "Zemstvo medicine. How it all started" exhibition , which is organized in honor of the 160th anniversary of the zemstvo district service. Exhibits from the collections of the "Homeland of V.I. Lenin" museum-reserve and the archive of the famous Ulyanovsk doctor and collector …

 изображение для новости USU Scientific developments  at the international medical conference
USU Scientific developments at the international medical conference

The Harbin Medical University (PRC) hosted the "4th International Cross Forum on Cardiovascular Drug Research and Development" international medical conference , co-organized by the Ministry of Education of China, the Youth Alliance of the Association of Chinese-Russian Medical Universities, leading medical and pharmaceutical societies of China.

Rizida Sharafutdinova, senior lecturer …

 изображение для новости Professor Valery Gnoev is a laureate of the All-Russian competition of therapy teachers
Professor Valery Gnoev is a laureate of the All-Russian competition of therapy teachers

A meeting of the teaching staff of therapeutic departments of medical educational institutions of the Russian Federation, at which the results of the All-Russian competition of pedagogical ideas of therapy teachers-2022 were summed up, took place on December 21. Valery Gnoev, Head of the Department of  Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases …

 изображение для новости Medical faculty  students- silver medalists of the "Anatomy" Universiade
Medical faculty students- silver medalists of the "Anatomy" Universiade

USU Medical faculty team  took the II place at the jubilee V Moscow International Universiade on Human Anatomy "Anatomist and I" named after academician M.R. Sapin. The intellectual tournament is held annually by the Department of Human Anatomy of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. At the opening, …

 изображение для новости USU experience at the "Russian Healthcare Week-2022"  forum
USU experience at the "Russian Healthcare Week-2022" forum

"Decade of Science and Technology: Medicine, Personnel, Laws" strategic session was held at the "Russian Healthcare Week-2022" International Scientific and Practical Forum under the chairmanship of  Vladimir Kononov,  Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, Honorary Professor of USU.

The session discussed trends in the …

 изображение для новости Students of the Faculty of Medicine at a lecture on the prevention and treatment of diabetes
Students of the Faculty of Medicine at a lecture on the prevention and treatment of diabetes

«Be attentive to blood sugar!» interactive lecture was held within the«Healthy choice» project .

Oksana Korneeva, an endocrinologist at Ulyanovsk Regional Hospital, worked with an audience. The students of the medical college of USU have expanded their knowledge of diabetes mellitus, got a lot of new information that will certainly …

 изображение для новости USU administration representatives at the Russian-Chinese forum
USU administration representatives at the Russian-Chinese forum

USU Rector Boris Kostishko and Lyudmila Belova ,Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,  are taking part in the Council of the Russian-Chinese Association of Medical Universities and the Russian-Chinese Summit on Telemedicine and Big Data Medicine  meeting. The Forum is included in the program of the Sechenov International Biomedical Summit …

USU Endowment Fund
Endowment fund
Distance learning
new learning format
Центр компетенций УлГУ
Развитие надпрофессиональных навыков
Scholarships for students
Selection committee
all admission information
Electronic information and educational portal
Electronic information and educational platform
Сonsulting sector
On the reorganization of universities
Ulyanovsk medical and biological journal
Ulyanovsk Medico-biological Journal
Simbirsk research journal
Scientific-methodological journal
Regional weekly newspaper
Zvezda - Olympiad
Multidisciplinary engineering olympiad for schoolchildren
Resume collection
Personal guidebook of young specialists