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Ulyanovsk State University
Ulyanovsk State University
 изображение для новости Sergey Morozov , Dean of the Faculty of Law : "Successful completion of state accreditation is a positive assessment of the university's educational activities"
Sergey Morozov , Dean of the Faculty of Law : "Successful completion of state accreditation is a positive assessment of the university's educational activities"


Ulyanovsk State University has received state accreditation for the "Judicial and prosecutorial activities"educational program of higher education

During the accreditation procedure, an examination of the educational program was carried out for compliance with six accreditation indicators, as well as an assessment of the quality of training of students in …

 изображение для новости „Human rights in the digital age” - the topic of a scientific conference at USU
„Human rights in the digital age” - the topic of a scientific conference at USU

Ulyanovsk State University hosted the All-Russian scientific and practical "Human rights and security of society in the conditions of rapid development of digital technologies" conference. The organizers were the Election Commission of the Ulyanovsk Region and the Ulyanovsk State University.

Sergey Morozov the Dean of the Faculty of Law of …

 изображение для новости USU  Law Academy students take part in the "Juvenalia" tournament
USU Law Academy students take part in the "Juvenalia" tournament

"Juvenalia" intellectual legal tournament took place in the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth. The participants of the tournament were schoolchildren of the Ulyanovsk region. 11 teams competed in the ability to analyze legal phenomena and evaluate them. The guys showed a high level of knowledge of the Constitution. …

USU Endowment Fund
Endowment fund <целевое>обучение
Distance learning
new learning format
Центр компетенций УлГУ
Развитие надпрофессиональных навыков
Scholarships for students
Selection committee
all admission information
Electronic information and educational portal
Electronic information and educational platform
Сonsulting sector
On the reorganization of universities
Ulyanovsk medical and biological journal
Ulyanovsk Medico-biological Journal
Simbirsk research journal
Scientific-methodological journal
Regional weekly newspaper
Zvezda - Olympiad
Multidisciplinary engineering olympiad for schoolchildren
Resume collection
Personal guidebook of young specialists