The Congress is held following the plan of scientific and practical activities of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The scientific program of the congress covers a wide range of organizational, fundamental, and practical issues of rehabilitation at different levels in various pathologies. Plenary meetings and thematic sections are scheduled. They focus on diagnosis technologies in rehabilitation, pharmacotherapy in rehabilitation, the use of exoskeletons, orthotics and prosthetics, robotic therapy, the use of virtual reality in rehabilitation, remote telerehabilitation, rehabilitation of patients after a new coronavirus infection COVID-19, rehabilitation of patients with dizziness and balance disorders, spasticity, metabolic disorders, pain syndromes, impaired walking function, rehabilitation of an elderly patient, rehabilitation in pediatric practice, rehabilitation of patients with impaired higher mental functions, rehabilitation of patients with impaired urination.
Traditionally, within the framework of the congress, the School of the Chief Specialist will be held, aimed at the formation of unified approaches to the organization of a system of assistance in medical rehabilitation, quality control of assistance in medical rehabilitation, and increasing professional competencies.
The Congress will be attended by leading specialists in the field of medical rehabilitation, neurology, intensive care, cardiology, gerontology, urology, clinical psychology, otorhinolaryngology, neurophysiology, physiotherapy, physical therapy, nursing, etc.

IV Russian Congress with international participation "Physical and rehabilitation medicine" opens.