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Ulyanovsk State University
Zavolzhsky Faculty of Economics and Humanities
 изображение для новости The Institute of International Relations of USU invites you to the   "Initial Arabic language Course" and "Initial Italian language Course" additional programs
The Institute of International Relations of USU invites you to the "Initial Arabic language Course" and "Initial Italian language Course" additional programs

After graduation, you will receive a certificate of advanced training. The training starts on October 15.

Address - USU building No. 1, Sviyagi River Embankment, room. No. 506.

For more information: 37-24-65, 8 (9510)951078.


 изображение для новости USU introduces the ""Dentistry " educational program
USU introduces the ""Dentistry " educational program

Ulyanovsk State University opens enrollment for "Dentistry" - a new educational program of higher education on 31.05.03.

Students who have been trained under this educational program will receive the "Dentist" qualification. The training period is 5 years. Form of study – full-time

 изображение для новости "Association of Foreign Students"   - one of USU Activities
"Association of Foreign Students" - one of USU Activities

"Association of Foreign Students"   is perhaps the most multinational and colorful activity!

Here, international students unite to solve problems related to  their   university  life , study, everyday life, recreation.

"Association of Foreign Students" is open to all foreign students of USU. Its participants regularly get together to have a great …

 изображение для новости USU festival of activities
USU festival of activities

The second day of the USU activities  festival has ended. Volunteer, educational, sports and other student clubs met students  at their venues. First–year students  - participants of the festival - were able to get acquainted with the departments of the university: learn more about social projects, view performances of creative …

 изображение для новости USU activities festival. Results of the first day
USU activities festival. Results of the first day

The first day of the  USU activities festival  of activities under  the "Social Actor" project has come to an end. First-year students attended lectures and master classes, danced, played, got  expert advice and took  lot`s of photos for memory.

The festival continues today ! From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. …

 изображение для новости Samarkand University expresses its  gratitude to USU for successful international cooperation
Samarkand University expresses its gratitude to USU for successful international cooperation

The staff of Samarkand State University named after Sharaf Rashidov expresses sincere gratitude to Ulyanovsk State University for successful mutual cooperation and a generous gift in the form of books on social sciences and mathematical disciplines.

"We are confident that our partnership will contribute to the development of activities in …

 изображение для новости "2022 artistic season" is open
"2022 artistic season" is open

"2022 artistic season" opening . The most important creative event of USU  took place last week

The concert program was full of new, bright numbers from the best university creative teams.

USU   choir of students and teachers of ,   “Anime” dance team, "InfinitumZ", "Luminous Space", "Upgrade" horeographic collectives ,  "Jam" …

 изображение для новости We invite you to  participate in the  "Without masks" discussion club meeting
We invite you to participate in the "Without masks" discussion club meeting

"Without Masks" career discussion club  of the USU  Career Center will open its doors on October 19, 11 a.m.. At a meeting with the hero of the club, you will be able to learn his life and career stories, ask questions and get tips that will help uncover the secrets …

 изображение для новости "Transport of the Future: Challenges for the Law" International Scientific and Practical Forum
"Transport of the Future: Challenges for the Law" International Scientific and Practical Forum

A scientific and practical "Transport of the Future: challenges for Law” forum with the assistance of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm State National Research University, "LAWYER" Publishing Group and the regional branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia  was held at …

 изображение для новости Project session with the leaders  of university activities
Project session with the leaders of university activities

From September 12 to 14 the leaders  of university activities of the “University. Social reactor" Strategic project  worked with experts. The participants discussed possible formats of work, talked about SMM promotion in social networks, and also got acquainted with the mechanism and algorithms of the Navigator USU mobile application.

USU Endowment Fund
Endowment fund
Distance learning
new learning format
Центр компетенций УлГУ
Развитие надпрофессиональных навыков
Scholarships for students
Selection committee
all admission information
Electronic information and educational portal
Electronic information and educational platform
Сonsulting sector
On the reorganization of universities
Ulyanovsk medical and biological journal
Ulyanovsk Medico-biological Journal
Simbirsk research journal
Scientific-methodological journal
Zvezda - Olympiad
Multidisciplinary engineering olympiad for schoolchildren
Resume collection
Personal guidebook of young specialists