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Ulyanovsk State University
Многопрофильная инженерная олимпиада школьников "ЗВЕЗДА"
 изображение для новости International Students of USU Visit the Simbircite Museum
International Students of USU Visit the Simbircite Museum

The New Year holidays brought new knowledge and experiences to first-year international students. They visited the Simbircite Hall—a museum dedicated to a rare mineral found only in the Ulyanovsk region. The students learned about the processing and restoration of ammonites and the creation of various stone figures.

The excursion was …

 изображение для новости Ulyanovsk Medical Students Embark on an Inspiring Internship in Harbin
Ulyanovsk Medical Students Embark on an Inspiring Internship in Harbin

The internship of students from Ulyanovsk State University at Harbin Medical University continues. Every day, they work in the clinic, participate in medical rounds, attend lectures by leading specialists in neurology, cardiology, and therapy, and hone their professional skills in practical classes.

In their free time, the students explore the …

 изображение для новости Students of the USU Youth School of Financial Education take part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
Students of the USU Youth School of Financial Education take part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

Anna Laur, a student of the Faculty of Management, and Lazar Koptev, a student of the Faculty of Transfer Specialties, took part in the SPIEF youth program - the International Youth Economic Forum. The event gathered more than 4,500 people, including students of three hundred higher educational institutions. This year, …

 изображение для новости USU team is the winner of the regional athletics relay
USU team is the winner of the regional athletics relay

On the last weekend of April, the 80th anniversary athletics relay race for the prizes of the Ulyanovsk Pravda newspaper was held in the center of Ulyanovsk. The participants of the race on the way to the podium overcame 23 stages along the route: Sobornaya Square – Esplanade – Novy …

 изображение для новости International  students of USU receive letters of thanks from Gymnasium No. 1
International students of USU receive letters of thanks from Gymnasium No. 1

USU students Nubadum Yangar Olivier, Alexandre Da Costa Nguisani, Mercy Benita Moses, Pavitra Fulaziraman and Kavyarasan Elavarsan helped the students of Gymnasium No. 1 to  prepare bright performances for participation in the XXII Small Delphic Games dedicated to the BRICS countries. The management of the gymnasium noted the work of …

 изображение для новости The internship of USU students in China continues
The internship of USU students in China continues

Students of  Faculty of Medicine continue their studies at Harbin Medical University. According to the program, these days residents of Ulyanovsk are working in infectious diseases and neurological departments, listening to lecture courses, learning the basics of reflexology. In their free time, the children continue to get acquainted with the culture …

 изображение для новости USU medical students on internship in Harbin
USU medical students on internship in Harbin

The trip was  possible thanks to the cooperation of Ulyanovsk State University and Harbin Medical University. A group of 2nd-5th year students led by Larisa Ilmukhina Associate Professor of the Department of Dermatovenerology and Infectious Diseases expands their competencies by adopting foreign experience. The curriculum includes lectures and practical classes on surgery, …

 изображение для новости Students study the history of medicine
Students study the history of medicine

Students of the medical faculty visited the "Zemstvo medicine. How it all started" exhibition , which is organized in honor of the 160th anniversary of the zemstvo district service. Exhibits from the collections of the "Homeland of V.I. Lenin" museum-reserve and the archive of the famous Ulyanovsk doctor and collector …

 изображение для новости The Bank of Russia holds webinars on financial literacy for students
The Bank of Russia holds webinars on financial literacy for students

Students will be able to get acquainted with the principles and tools of investing, get an idea of how to choose an investment strategy, assess risks, and make transactions: from choosing an intermediary to taxes on investments. The lecturers are employees of the Bank of Russia.

Webinars will be held …

 изображение для новости USU students are among the winners of the Anatomy International Universiade
USU students are among the winners of the Anatomy International Universiade

The VI International Student Universiade on Human Anatomy "Anatom and I" was held at the Department of Human Anatomy and Histology of the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. 27 teams took part in the competition. The competition day included theoretical and practical tours, a test of knowledge of Latin …

USU Endowment Fund
Endowment fund
Distance learning
new learning format
Центр компетенций УлГУ
Развитие надпрофессиональных навыков
Scholarships for students
Selection committee
all admission information
Electronic information and educational portal
Electronic information and educational platform
Сonsulting sector
On the reorganization of universities
Ulyanovsk medical and biological journal
Ulyanovsk Medico-biological Journal
Simbirsk research journal
Scientific-methodological journal
Zvezda - Olympiad
Multidisciplinary engineering olympiad for schoolchildren
Resume collection
Personal guidebook of young specialists