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Ulyanovsk State University
Ulyanovsk State University
 изображение для новости USU specialists take part in the Young Scientists Congress
USU specialists take part in the Young Scientists Congress

 The II Congress of Young Scientists was held in the Sirius Science and Art Park. The forum brought together more than 3 thousand participants from 77 regions of Russia and 40 countries of the world. USU was represented by Elena Semenova, Advisor to the Rector's Office, and Elena Efremova, Associate …

 изображение для новости Congratulations to the Boris Kostishko- USU rector-   on his birthday!
Congratulations to the Boris Kostishko- USU rector- on his birthday!

Dear Boris Mikhailovich! Please accept sincere congratulations from professsors, employees, students and graduates of Ulyanovsk State University! Thanks to your talents and professionalism, USU has been holding the high standard of one of the leading universities of the country for many years.

We wish you well, prosperity and success. Let …

 изображение для новости USU is in the golden hundred of the "100 best goods of Russia" of the All-Russian competition
USU is in the golden hundred of the "100 best goods of Russia" of the All-Russian competition

According to the results of the "100 best goods of Russia" All-Russian competition, USU became a laureate in the "Services in the education system" nomination. University was awarded an honorary diploma and entered the "Golden Hundred" category.

"100 best Goods of Russia"  program was created in 1998 on the basis of …

 изображение для новости Kazan Conservatory students and teachers concert  at the USU Music School
Kazan Conservatory students and teachers concert at the USU Music School

Kazan State Conservatory named after N. G. Zhiganov is a participant of the long–term "Big Music - to small towns" educational project initiated by the artistic director of the Sirius Educational Center, advisor to the Director General of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia and supported by the  "Bridge of Arts"  …

 изображение для новости Elena Semenova,  Ambassador of the "Top 100 BRICS Entrepreneurs" Award, Advisor to the USU at the Rector's Office takes part in the BRICS International Business Forum+
Elena Semenova, Ambassador of the "Top 100 BRICS Entrepreneurs" Award, Advisor to the USU at the Rector's Office takes part in the BRICS International Business Forum+

The BRICS+ International Business Forum was held in Moscow. It has become a platform for entrepreneurs and representatives of the business circles of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and those countries that seek to build a multilateral economic partnership with the BRICS, including.the EAEU and SCO member states

The …

 изображение для новости USU is the venue of the English language dictation
USU is the venue of the English language dictation

Ulyanovsk State University  students and   listeners of the  Institute of International Relations profile classes took part in the All-Russian dictation on English language, organized jointly with the Kazan Federal University.

Natalia Krasheninnikova, Director of the Institute of International Relations, addressed the students with a welcoming speech. Olga Kuznetsova, Associate Professor …

 изображение для новости USU holds the annual "Trajectories of interaction in the development of digital skills «conference
USU holds the annual "Trajectories of interaction in the development of digital skills «conference

The interregional forum will be the fifth in a row. Its goal is to expand the network of career guidance interaction between USU and Ulyanovsk schools in the IT direction, covering the network of code classes. Exchange of experience, presentations of advanced pedagogical technologies contribute to the professional growth of …

 изображение для новости USU activities - "FEMIDA" vocal group
USU activities - "FEMIDA" vocal group

"FEMIDA"  chorus was created as a new creative activity . It`s is a new format of a vocal group.

"For a long time I sang in the choir and realized that I wanted to create a new group, but with a different repertoire - more modern music, polyphony and interesting …

 изображение для новости On the New Year Eve USU press center announce a contest  for the most atmospheric and  cozy photo
On the New Year Eve USU press center announce a contest for the most atmospheric and cozy photo

The subject of the photo can be completely different – winter landscapes, photos in the New Year's entourage, family photos, photos with pets.

Choose the best photo from your New Year's archive and send it as a FILE to the personal messages of the USU „VK”  page . Be sure …

 изображение для новости "Ulyanovsk Student Autumn-2022"  - the festival of student  art
"Ulyanovsk Student Autumn-2022" - the festival of student art

The concert program was full of bright performances.  With their performance our students reminded  the audience how important it is to formulate your desires correctly, and most importantly — to understand that everything in life depends on us.

" One of the main events for the youth of the Ulyanovsk …

USU Endowment Fund
Endowment fund <целевое>обучение
Distance learning
new learning format
Центр компетенций УлГУ
Развитие надпрофессиональных навыков
Scholarships for students
Selection committee
all admission information
Electronic information and educational portal
Electronic information and educational platform
Сonsulting sector
On the reorganization of universities
Ulyanovsk medical and biological journal
Ulyanovsk Medico-biological Journal
Simbirsk research journal
Scientific-methodological journal
Regional weekly newspaper
Zvezda - Olympiad
Multidisciplinary engineering olympiad for schoolchildren
Resume collection
Personal guidebook of young specialists