Ученые записки УлГУ. Серия "Математика и информационные технологии"
№1, 2018 год, дата выпуска: май 2018 года
Белинский И.А. / Belinsky, I.A., e-mail: ilyabelinskii@mail.ru
Имитационная модель динамики исчерпания ресурса за установленное время
Аннотация. Предмет данной работы - применение аналитических и имитационных методов теории случайных процессов для построения модели динамики исчерпания ресурса до установленного времени.
Ключевые слова: имитационное моделирование, теория случайных процессов, стратегия «точно в срок».
Simulation model of dynamics of just-in-time inventory control
Abstract. The paper is devoted to application of analytical and simulation methods of the theory of random processes to constructing a dynamical model of just-in-time inventory control.
Keywords: simulation, theory of random processes, JIT strategy.
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Бурмистрова В.Г., Усачев А.А. / Burmistrova, V.G., Usachev, A.A., e-mail: graf9190@mail.ru
Ключевые слова: модель, момент остановки, семимартингал, задача оптимизации, выработка АТФ.
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of finding the optimal control of the intensity of observations of the events of the process of ATP Production in the course of human life, taking into account the introduction of insulin injections.
Keywords: model, simulation modeling, stopping time, semimartingale, optimization problem, ATP production.
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Бутов А.А., Гуськов Е.Ю. / Butov, A.A., Guskov, E.Yu., e-mail: soundwave73@inbox.ru
Ключевые слова: пуассоновский процесс, процесс телеграфного типа, уязвимость СМО.
Abstract. In this paper computer simulation model of queuing systems with use of a cable type process. Vulnerability windows are found and analyzed.
Keywords: Poisson process, simulation, process of cable type, vulnerability of queuing systems.
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Бутов А.А., Еникеева А.Ф. / Butov, A.A., Enikeeva, A.F., e-mail: butovaa@ulsu.ru
Ключевые слова: дискретный процесс, случайный процесс, процесс с единичным скачком, оценка случайного процесса, лемма Гронуолла-Беллмана.
Abstract. In this paper, random discrete processes with the unit jumps and with the jumps of random sizes are considered. Estimates of these processes obtained on the basis of the discrete analogue of the Gronwall lemma are presented.
Keywords: discrete process, random process, point process, estimate of a random process, Gronwall-Bellman lemma.
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Бутов А.А., Сухарева А.Ю. / Butov, A.A., Sukhareva, A.Yu., e-mail: butovaa@ulsu.ru
Ключевые слова: имитационная модель, случайные блуждания, метод рандомизации, точечный процесс, система массового обслуживания, компенсатор.
Abstract. In the paper, a computer simulation model of simple nonnegative random walks is considered. The mean values of the functions of the lengths of the bursts are estimated by the diffusion approximation method. To prove the assertion, we used a randomization method for the trajectories of the queuing process and a comparison of the empirical distribution function and the theoretical distribution function of the Wiener process.
Keywords: simulation, random walks, method of randomization, point process, queuing system, compensator.
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Бутов А.А., Сухарева А.Ю. / Butov, A.A., Sukhareva, A.Yu., e-mail: butovaa@ulsu.ru
Ключевые слова: имитационная модель, случайные блуждания, процесс рандомизации, эффект отражения.
Abstract. In the paper, the method of the mathematical modeling of the processes of the reflection is considered. The methods of modeling are based on the descriptions of the process with the reflections with two boundaries by means of the function of the fractional part functions. In the paper, the methods of a computer simulation id considered. The result of the simulation is compared with the theoretical one.
Keywords: simulation, random walks, method of randomization, method of reflection.
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Бутов А.А., Шабалин А.С., Чибрикова Т.С. / Butov, A.A., Shabalin A.S., Chibrikova T.S., e-mail: LITO73@rambler.ru
Ключевые слова: геронтология, многостадийность старения, математические модели, распределение Гомпертца.
Abstract. In this article, we present results showing that the aging process is multistage, but the survival curve does not clearly distinguish the presence of such stages. A qualitative comparison of the theoretical distribution function of Gompertz and the empirical distribution obtained as a result of modeling is presented.
Keywords: Gerontology, multistage aging, the mathematical model, Gompertz distribution.
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Гаврилова М.С. / Gavrilova, M.S., e-mail: pm@ulsu.ru
Ключевые слова: случайный процесс, семимартингал, суточный профиль артериального давления, процесс Орнштейна-Уленбека, мультивариантный процесс, точечный процесс.
Abstract. The paper describes the mechanism of circadian regulation of blood pressure and analyses the experimental data on the basis of which the semimartingale model of normal 24-hour blood pressure profile is developed. The parameters of the model are described, the mathematical expectation and the variance estimate of the random process of blood pressure changing are found.
Keywords: random process, semimartingale, 24-hour blood pressure profile, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, multivariant process, point process.
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Логинова Е.В. / Loginova E.V., e-mail: kate.loginova73@gmail.com
Ключевые слова: программа реабилитации, реабилитация детей с ограниченными возможностями, система поддержки принятия решений, экспертная система.
Abstract. The possibility of presenting data on rehabilitation and targeted programs in the form of precedents for the system of evaluation and decision support in children's rehabilitation centers on the basis of expert technologies is considered. The developed models allow presenting the data in a convenient form for optimal search, comparison and selection of information from the database.
Keywords: the program of rehabilitation, rehabilitation process, rehabilitation of children with handicap, decision-making support-system, expert system.
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Калинов Е. Д., Калинова А.Л. / Kalinov, E. D., Kalinova, A.L., e-mail: kalinov.e.d@yandex.ru
Ключевые слова: частотный датчик давления, связанный анализ, FSI, Fluid Structure Interaction.
Abstract. The article is devoted to simulation of oscillations of a pressure sensor under environmental conditions. The design and operation principle of the device are presented, the statement of the problem and its solution with the application of the CAE-system Ansys are described, the results obtained and their comparison with the experimental data are analyzed.
Keywords: frequency pressure sensor, coupled analysis, FSI, Fluid Structure Interaction.
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Козловский В.Г., Смолеха В.П. / Kozlovsky, V.G., Smolekha, V.P., e-mail: Saveli58@yandex.ru
Модифицированный протокол SIP-T (SIP forTelephony) позволяет интегрировать протокол ОКС №7 с протоколом SIP. Узел взаимодействия SIP-сети с сетью сигнализации ОКС №7 инкапсулирует сообщения ISUP в SIP-сообщения и транслирует часть информации из сообщений ISUP в заголовки сообщений SIP, чтобы обеспечить их транспортировку в пакетной IP-сети.
Ключевые слова: общеканальная сигнализация, протоколы, сети NG (ISDN).
Abstract. The concept of NGN implies convergence of IP-telephony networks with PSTN, digital network with integration of services (ISDN), intelligent networks (IN), mobile networks and the Internet. The basic types of signaling include signaling for connection management (protocols -SIP, SIP-T, ACS number 7, H.323), signaling for interaction between different software switches (protocols -SIP, SIP-T) and signaling for gateway management (SG - signaling gateway, MG - media gateway, AG - access gateway, protocols -Sigtran, MGCP, Megaco / H.248).
The modified SIP-T protocol (SIP for Telephony) allows the integration of the SS7 protocol with the SIP protocol. The SIP network interaction node with the SS7 signaling network encapsulates ISUP messages into SIP messages and translates a portion of the information from the ISUP messages into the SIP message headers to ensure their transport in the packet IP network.
Keywords: common channel signaling, protocols, NG networks (ISDN).
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Михеева Е.А., Еникеева А.Ф. / Mikheeva, E.A., Enikeeva, A.F., e-mail: melalex05@rambler.ru
Ключевые слова: булевы функции, графический способ представления булевых функций, геометрический метод, сокращённые дизъюнктивные нормальные формы, минимальные дизъюнктивные нормальные формы, минимизация булевых функций.
Abstract. In this paper the algorithm for minimization of Boolean functions by a geometric method has been developed. The programrealized the construction of all minimal DNF of a given functionhave beentested on a lot of examples, as a result of which the correctness of her work was confirmed.
Keywords: Boolean functions, graphical representation of Boolean functions, geometric method, reduced disjunctive normal forms, minimal disjunctive normal forms, minimization of Boolean functions.
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Санкин Н.Ю. / Sankin, N.Yu., e-mail: sankin66@mail.ru
Ключевые слова: сложная электрическая цепь, математическое моделирование.
Abstract. The work is devoted to the development of a method for calculating electromechanical systems, both with concentrated and distributed parameters, which allow constructing, for example, transient processes at any point of the electrical network under any nodal loads as a function of voltage, to investigate the stability of the operation of electromechanical systems in the presence of non-linear elements.
Keywords: complex electrical circuit, mathematical modeling.
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Санкин Н.Ю. / Sankin, N.Yu., e-mail: sankin66@mail.ru
Ключевые слова: частотный метод, переходный процесс в длинной линии, амплитудно-фазовая частотная характеристика.
Abstract. A frequency method for solving transient processes in long electric lines with step-variable characteristics is proposed in this paper. For individual sections of a line with constant characteristics, the boundary problem of finding images of edge currents through images of edge stresses is solved, equations are constructed expressing the sum of the currents converging at the node along which the AFCS is built, by the constructed AFCS we find the transient process at the point of interest.
Keywords: frequency method, transitive process, long line, amplitude-phase frequency response.
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Токмаков С.В. / Tokmakov, S.V., e-mail: tokmakov007@gmail.com
Ключевые слова: линейная управляемая система, стабилизация, запаздывание.
Abstract. An output feedback control problem is considered, namely, the stabilization problem for a linear differential second-order system by a linear feedback control that does not depend on the values of the derivatives of the state functions. A method based on the using of the artificial delay in the control structure has been studied. It is also possible to take into account the information lag in the control loop. In this case, control problem reduces to solving of some linear matrix inequalities. The form of the equations is convenient for describing the motions of mechanical systems. The classical problem of controlling an inverted pendulum is studied to test the method, the influence of the delay on the stabilizing control properties was studied, and a comparison was done of some indicators with a control of a similar structure which was constructed by another method.
Keywords: linear controlled system, stabilization, delay.
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Юрин Д.А., Чекал Е.Г. / Yurin, D.A., Chekal, E.G., e-mail: checal@mail.ru
Ключевые слова: задача коммивояжера, комбинаторная оптимизация, генетический алгоритм, службы Google API, онлайн-сервис, программное средство.
Abstract. This article describes the developed cross-platform tool for solving the traveling salesman problem, using a genetic algorithm and Google API tools. The method of chromosome coding using index approach, which reduces the time of the algorithm, is proposed. Modified algorithm of interbreeding individuals allows you to eliminate the duplicate waypoints. Online service is located at the address - http://u0160992.cp.regruhosting.ru/getroute/.
Keywords: travelling salesman problem, combinatorial optimization, Google API services, online service, cross-platform software.
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Юрьева О.Д., Баунина А.В. / Yurjeva, O.D., Baunina, A.V., e-mail: yurjevaod@mail.ru
Ключевые слова: управление, стабилизация, устойчивость.
Abstract. The possibility of using a vertical force to control and stabilize an inverted pendulum is considered in the paper. The previously proposed methods of stabilizing the inverted pendulum are mainly oriented to obtain and to use linear mathematical models of the object, which did not always allow obtaining the desired properties in a closed system. In the paper, the problem is considered in a nonlinear formulation.
Keywords: control, stabilization, stability.
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